ponytail beanies & scarf set
Women Ocean ponytail beanies & scarf sets
solid set A= 1 pc solid color ponytail beanie + 1 pc solid color scarf
solid set B=1 pc solid color ponytail visor +1 pc pc solid color scarf
Confetti set A=1 pc Confetti color ponytail beanie + 1 pc Confetti color scarf
Confetti set B=1 pc Confetti color ponytail visor + 1 pc Confetti color scarf
weight of the ponytail beanie : appro. 90 g ;
weight of the ponytail visor : appro. 90 g ;
weight of the solid color scarf : appro. 160 g ;
weight of the Confetti color scarf : appro.200 g ;